About Us

Fish Supplies Importer and Live Ornamental Fish Exporter

We are importers and brand representative of fish supplies to support hobbiest across indonesia. Our business grow rapidly due to increase in demand of products we provide. 

Our network of farmers and breeder of Tropical Fish in Indonesia especially in Java Province provides various fish for Worldwide Demand. 

We provide a variety of fish with uniqueness, choose according to your wishes.


Since childhood my love for ornamental fish is very high. Join the community and get the opportunity to connect with various ornamental fish farmers who have an unexpected collection of ornamental fish. My love continues to grow until the start of the business of buying and selling fish collections with various communities. Our business continues to grow today. In 2013 we started exporting ornamental fish to several countries. In 2019 we developed a business selling aquarium equipment and served hundreds of aquarium shops throughout Indonesia.

Our facilities start from simple facilities and continue to develop through optimization and improvisation in keeping our fish healthy and of good quality.

Fish Consultation ?

Consult the type of fish according to your needs and tastes.

Supply Stock?

Serving orders for aquarium product and various ornamental fish.

Aquarium Accessories?

We provide various aquarium accessories such as filters, aerators, air divider valves, etc.


You don't have time to take care of your aquarium at home or at the office? We can help you.

Jabez Bezaleel Chan B.Sc., MPP

Founder, CEO

" My passion unlock curiosity for best and optimal method to take care our fish"

Exploration of tropical and ornamental fish is remain minimum. Especially inovation and technology to flourish and thrives in this hobby. Although it seems simple, the practical implementation of Fish Care still have space for development at the end user level.

How we provide our methodology and best practices for our hobbies is what make them greatly motivated to explore more for this hobbies.